Весёлый велосипед.

Сообщений: 319
3 часа назад
На лисапете с рушарнирами трудно остановиться, потому что все время появляется что-то новое. Как можно остановиться, если каждый день еду на работу и по делам, за исключением когда работал в другом городе. Первый лисапет получил 59 лет назад. За это время проехал больше 200 тысяч километров. Имею личный способ устранения любых неполадок на лисапете, тоже приятно. Иногда ездил и на дальние расстояния, также все время проверял скорость и силу. Когда появляется на лисапете сомнение, рушарниры находят выход. Рушарнирам 10 лет, ещё молодая деталь. Мягкий прием. В мягком приеме во время поворотов рушарниров используется большая и малая дуга. Большая дуга используется на подъёмах и на малой скорости. Один рушарнир поворачивается и делает половину воображаемого большого круга впереди руля на расстоянии 30-40см. Затем второй рушарнир поворачивается и делает половину воображаемого большого круга позади руля. Но можно эти две большие дуги расположить над рулём и под рулём. Малая дуга используется на большой скорости. Представить впереди руля в 30-40 см точку. Поворотом одного рушарнира делается воображаемая маленькая дуга вокруг этой точки на расстоянии 10 см. Затем второй рушарнир делает маленькую дугу, или половинку круга сзади другой точки, эта точка расположена 30-40 см сзади руля. Но эти точки можно расположить и в вертикальной плоскости. При выполнении как больших так и малых дуг обязательно представить что повороты рушарниров увеличивают кровообращение в ногах. Иногда при выполнении приема кажется что большие дуги и точки расположены вокруг каретки. Повороты рушарниров не привязаны к ногам и поэтому получается мягкое вращение педалей.
It’s hard to stop at lisapet from rusharnir, because something new appears all the time. How can I stop if I go to work and on business every day, except when I worked in another city. Lisapet received his first 59 years ago. During this time I drove more than 200 thousand kilometers. I have a personal method for troubleshooting any problems on Lisapet, which is also nice. Sometimes I traveled long distances, and I also tested my speed and strength all the time. When doubt appears on the lysapeth, the Rusharnirs find a way out. The hinges are 10 years old, still a young part. A gentle welcome. in a soft technique, a large and small arc is used during turns of the hinges. The large arc is used on climbs and at low speeds. One hinge rotates and makes half of an imaginary large circle in front of the steering wheel at a distance of 30-40cm. then the second hinge rotates and makes half an imaginary large circle behind the steering wheel. But you can place these two large arcs above and below the steering wheel. A small arc is used at high speed. Imagine a point 30-40 cm in front of the steering wheel. by turning one hinge, an imaginary small arc is made around this point at a distance of 10 cm. Then the second hinge makes a small arc, or half a circle behind the other point, this point is located 30-40 cm behind the steering wheel. But these points can also be located in the vertical plane. When performing both large and small arcs, be sure to imagine that turning the ball joints increases blood circulation in the legs. Sometimes when performing a technique it seems that large arcs and dots are located around the carriage. the turns of the hinges are not tied to the legs and therefore soft rotation of the pedals is obtained
It’s hard to stop at lisapet from rusharnir, because something new appears all the time. How can I stop if I go to work and on business every day, except when I worked in another city. Lisapet received his first 59 years ago. During this time I drove more than 200 thousand kilometers. I have a personal method for troubleshooting any problems on Lisapet, which is also nice. Sometimes I traveled long distances, and I also tested my speed and strength all the time. When doubt appears on the lysapeth, the Rusharnirs find a way out. The hinges are 10 years old, still a young part. A gentle welcome. in a soft technique, a large and small arc is used during turns of the hinges. The large arc is used on climbs and at low speeds. One hinge rotates and makes half of an imaginary large circle in front of the steering wheel at a distance of 30-40cm. then the second hinge rotates and makes half an imaginary large circle behind the steering wheel. But you can place these two large arcs above and below the steering wheel. A small arc is used at high speed. Imagine a point 30-40 cm in front of the steering wheel. by turning one hinge, an imaginary small arc is made around this point at a distance of 10 cm. Then the second hinge makes a small arc, or half a circle behind the other point, this point is located 30-40 cm behind the steering wheel. But these points can also be located in the vertical plane. When performing both large and small arcs, be sure to imagine that turning the ball joints increases blood circulation in the legs. Sometimes when performing a technique it seems that large arcs and dots are located around the carriage. the turns of the hinges are not tied to the legs and therefore soft rotation of the pedals is obtained
It’s hard to stop at lisapet from rusharnir, because something new appears all the time. How can I stop if I go to work and on business every day, except when I worked in another city. Lisapet received his first 59 years ago. During this time I drove more than 200 thousand kilometers. I have a personal method for troubleshooting any problems on Lisapet, which is also nice. Sometimes I traveled long distances, and I also tested my speed and strength all the time. When doubt appears on the lysapeth, the Rusharnirs find a way out. The hinges are 10 years old, still a young part. A gentle welcome. in a soft technique, a large and small arc is used during turns of the hinges. The large arc is used on climbs and at low speeds. One hinge rotates and makes half of an imaginary large circle in front of the steering wheel at a distance of 30-40cm. then the second hinge rotates and makes half an imaginary large circle behind the steering wheel. But you can place these two large arcs above and below the steering wheel. A small arc is used at high speed. Imagine a point 30-40 cm in front of the steering wheel. by turning one hinge, an imaginary small arc is made around this point at a distance of 10 cm. Then the second hinge makes a small arc, or half a circle behind the other point, this point is located 30-40 cm behind the steering wheel. But these points can also be located in the vertical plane. When performing both large and small arcs, be sure to imagine that turning the ball joints increases blood circulation in the legs. Sometimes when performing a technique it seems that large arcs and dots are located around the carriage. the turns of the hinges are not tied to the legs and therefore soft rotation of the pedals is obtained
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