Totally ENORMOUS Extinct
Опубликовано: 4754 дня назад (19 февраля 2012)
Блог: да жить не хочется
Настроение: I can feel your love again
+1↑ Голосов: 1 |
I had a dream the belief that I am in love with you.
and as if I were not me.
my wife is a pig, little children demons
and a dog with a cat with plotting war plan
to capture the entire country.
Mother-in-law, a long, such commanders out there with them.
Pioneers convenes, clothes, washes, and a parade of releases
to show a large crowd.
and his wife, not wasting time, your powder snout,
tail abruptly wrapped and slipped under the fence.
know is a conspiracy of some kind. I do not understand.
looked around slowly, everything is in place,
but that's a pot of flowers on the floor,
under the table a large bowl, a huge pineapple in it smiling and waving...
unpredictable this ..
I woke up from the shock, from this not fall asleep ..
I'll tell you a word-word,but in the nuthouse good!
and as if I were not me.
my wife is a pig, little children demons
and a dog with a cat with plotting war plan
to capture the entire country.
Mother-in-law, a long, such commanders out there with them.
Pioneers convenes, clothes, washes, and a parade of releases
to show a large crowd.
and his wife, not wasting time, your powder snout,
tail abruptly wrapped and slipped under the fence.
know is a conspiracy of some kind. I do not understand.
looked around slowly, everything is in place,
but that's a pot of flowers on the floor,
under the table a large bowl, a huge pineapple in it smiling and waving...
unpredictable this ..
I woke up from the shock, from this not fall asleep ..
I'll tell you a word-word,but in the nuthouse good!
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