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Опубликовано: 3084 дня назад (15 сентября 2016)
Блог: shit happens
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Minister of Finance of Latvia beats the World Chess Champion
On September 6, Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Latvian chess player and the Minister of Finance of the country, beat with the white pieces the leader of the women's FIDE rating, the current World Champion Chinese Hou Yifan at the 42nd World Chess Olympiad in Baku.
Let us remind that Reizniece-Ozola is the leader of the Latvian team at the Olympiad, and plays at the first board. This means that she will encounter the strongest chess players of other teams.
On September 6, Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Latvian chess player and the Minister of Finance of the country, beat with the white pieces the leader of the women's FIDE rating, the current World Champion Chinese Hou Yifan at the 42nd World Chess Olympiad in Baku.
Let us remind that Reizniece-Ozola is the leader of the Latvian team at the Olympiad, and plays at the first board. This means that she will encounter the strongest chess players of other teams.
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Комментарии (2)
# 15 сентября 2016 в 07:09 | ||