Crap about crap
Опубликовано: 4906 дней назад (20 сентября 2011)
+3↑ Голосов: 3 |
As far as no one is really here.
I'm really boring and I can't talk to people. And very particular people.
It all just gets complicated right after I open my mouth.
And I constantly regret I said it, and I constantly add some new stupid thought and it only gets worse.
It always does.
I'm a mess. I know. Everybody knows.
and today I feel it especially hard as I start wondering what is next?
I'm 19 and I'm alone and I can't talk to people.
We always have barriers, and they are my mind's paths, illogical and gloom.
I can't help the way I think.
Can't help my only true feelings.
Can't help the way I am.
I am me.
Too bad you notice only sad sides.
I dream about being able to speak whatever is there inside, and never being punished for some tiny thing said.
I dream to confess
And i dream not to be rejected
Not to be alienated.
To be taken somewhere
Not to be the responsible for all the mess entertainer
I want someone to notice me
I'm really boring and I can't talk to people. And very particular people.
It all just gets complicated right after I open my mouth.
And I constantly regret I said it, and I constantly add some new stupid thought and it only gets worse.
It always does.
I'm a mess. I know. Everybody knows.
and today I feel it especially hard as I start wondering what is next?
I'm 19 and I'm alone and I can't talk to people.
We always have barriers, and they are my mind's paths, illogical and gloom.
I can't help the way I think.
Can't help my only true feelings.
Can't help the way I am.
I am me.
Too bad you notice only sad sides.
I dream about being able to speak whatever is there inside, and never being punished for some tiny thing said.
I dream to confess
And i dream not to be rejected
Not to be alienated.
To be taken somewhere
Not to be the responsible for all the mess entertainer
I want someone to notice me
Похожие записи:
Sorrow."Я понимала его одиночество, но не то, что он называл скорбью.
А потом я осознала, что скорбь рождается, когда мы теряем связь".
Каждый потерял что-то особенное.
Больше нечего сказать.
Первая ночь2)Однажды ночью я проснулся вдруг,
Не смог заснуть потом, и вышел я во двор.
Взглянул на небо и увидел: лунный круг
Со звёздами затеял разговор.
Их речь была на незнакомом языке,
Таком же др...
Комментарии (6)
# 20 сентября 2011 в 21:51 | ||
# 20 сентября 2011 в 22:05 |
# 20 сентября 2011 в 22:29 | ||
# 20 сентября 2011 в 23:26 | ||